Because she didn't want to wake the sleeping pills!
He didn't want to wake up the sleeping pills.
In case you wake the sleeping pills!
Because he didn't want his daughters to be called Ms. Steaks.
I don't want to put a repost in my mouth
A liquor cabinet.
In case you get a hole-in-one (stolen from some girl at school)
A. So they can park in handicapped zones.
He saw a .
my 3-year-old asked as she woke me from a nap by poking me in the eye.
He has a big E on his pajamas.
Baby elephants.
An entrepruner.
They know there ain't no way to hide those lion eyes.
You don't ride horses. Me: Why do you wear sneakers You don't sneak.
To remind black people they picked cotton before they sold drugs.
Netflix and pill