Because he was barefooted!!!
I can't bear it! You axolotl of me this time!
Lifeguard 2: Sad, I saw a bear in lake 1: How is that sad 2: He could bearly swim! 1:.. 2: He ate 3 campers
He couldn't think of anything, and said "I'll mullet over"
I was asked on an internet forum. "Because you're not allowed to take them on planes," I answered.
Because they're pirots!
They wear a rolex watch around their waist.
If you're a surfer and you're getting head.
I take my shoes off when I jump on a trampoline
Curses! Foil again!
I'm not sure but if you see one walking across the ceiling then run before it collapses !
A natural log.
Son: "I was the only one who could answer a question." Mother: "Oh really What was the question Son: "Who threw the eraser at the principal "
I'm going to be the mother of your children." I have no idea whether the joke is lost in translation...