Sufficient amount of youth in Asia.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because 12 year olds can't vote. Edit: I'm actually somewhat of a Bernie supporter, I'm just joking about how he has a lot of youth backing him.
System of a Downs My Chemical Imbalance. Youth In Asia
The youth in Asia.....
A: By giving her money furs and diamonds.
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A pretein
You look at your X and try to find out Y
Because it wasn't the droid he was looking for!
He's staring at somebody else's shoes.
So you can tell it apart from urine
When you swerve to miss a tree and realize it was your air freshener
You didn't hold down the pillow for long enough.
Shake'n bake.
With a track-tor!
One to hold the lightbulb, and the rest of the world to revolve around them
Dark matter has the capacity to leave an impact on a system
20-25 minutes." "You've got 10 minutes!" "Okay, well then I can't." - real life spy dialogues
He didn't, he was distributed evenly on both sides. Bernie supporters, please don't downvote me to hell, it's just a joke
Denmark, Sweden and Norway.