A reprimand from the Scientific Ethics and Integrity Committee and an immediate withdrawal of your grant funding.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A stern rebuke from the ethics committee and an immediate withdrawal of funds.
Reprimand from the university ethics board and immediate withdrawal of all research grants.
A stern rebuke from the Ethics Committee, and an immediate cessation of funding.
The Moo York Times
A dead rabbit with a big hole.
A liar.
An octobrave. I'm sorry.
I don't know, but it sure can pick lettuce.
A lion. Get it guys lol? Lion Lying I'll pounce myself out now...
Wife asks her husband: Honey, If a lion attacks my mother and I, Who would you save first? Husband: Well, the lion!
Revocation of your grant money and a stern rebuke from the ethics committee.
Kraut funding
Your research funding suspended and a severe reprimand from the ethics committee.