A Sandy Hook survivor
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Cause she was too big for B- shells! (my 6 year old niece likes to tell this joke)
6-year-old: Because I always win.
Because she'd just "let it go". My 6 year old told me this. I will show myself out now...
Nobody knows - they usually lose count at 800 rounds.
Which hole they stick their finger in when no-one's looking.
About 6 garbage bags and 30 gallons of formaldehyde.
He was having a mid life crisis.
If you don't know you must lose a lot of mail.
Beer nuts are a dollar twenty five, deer nuts are under a buck
You tell him... "that's definitely a win sir". Or if he did ok you can say you half win sir i suppose. :/
Because he will always fold.
You use test tickles
With a magic 8-ball
They have already told everybody about 6 times in 5 minutes
A: A blonde tried to shoot herself!
At the butcher shop, where they sell kid-knees.
Because he'd already done the sharps and flats.
Arrested for procurement of a minor. Trust me on this one.
Get off me daddy, you're crushing my smokes
Cause gangsters always catch the snitch!