Because he has wee legs
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
E.T actually learned English and wanted to go home.
They both steal your bike.
E.T learned English and wanted to go home.
He saw the phone bill.
Extra testicle
So he can fit on a spaceship.
Where on Earth have you been??!!" **Thank you, I'll be here all night... Edit: Thanks for da love Dr. Jones!
E.T. phoned home.
Because he's got little legs. But seriously, what does ET stand for Because he can't sit down.
Because he hasn't got a chair!..... sorry.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
E.T. learned English and went home.
Freedom of speech
E.T. the extra testicle.
E.T. learned English and wanted to go home
What did E.T.'s mother say to him when he got home WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN Saddest joke ever.
He’s only got little legs.
He was rushin
Goose Rider
A homeless epileptic.
I'm going to a cheese and wine party tonight and the host has requested I bring a "mystery cheese". I'm hoping there's a puntastic cheese out there somewhere that may fit the bill!
The guy would survive the first round.
Smiles - because there is a mile between the first and last letters
Cleaver! EDIT: Also Sharp, knew about this one but I like Cleaver better.
None. They just compliment it and get mad when it won't screw. Edit: a word
Thanks for nothing!
Open Toad sandals... I'll show myself out - thank you
4yr: I need to wee! Me: With balloons ! 4yr: Its so much fun to wee with balloons
Time to buy a new chair.
14,000. 1 to hold the lightbulb, 4 to hold the chair, and 13,995 to spin the house.
Because whenever his parents saw their phone bill they got the hump.