You didn't hold down the pillow for long enough.
Warm milk before bed... Get your mind out of the gutter!
A: At night, because two feet are added to it.
He brought it to school and said 'An Ape-lle for the teacher!'
By the ears...
He likes his drinks shaken, not stirred.
Why did the man close his donut shop ...because he was fed up with the hole business!
Me: A napkin holder K: What's a napkin M: You wipe your hands on it when they're dirty K: You mean like the couch M: ...
Aunt Arctica! PENGUIN . . ME makes flies over head motion PENGUIN I don't know what that means
Because I like to sleep around.
A pillow
A baseball is thrown to the air.
Elderly me: I made my kids steak instead of hot dogs. Him: *gasps* You monster.