I drew drew
A lot of good you are . (the joke is that the paint can is empty)
Mohammed Dali
Nobody wants to marry an underemployed alcoholic.
Vincent Van Cough
A: One more crack, and I'll plaster you.
I love you with all my art!"
They add another coat.
He made a scene.
Puts on another coat.
He was way too autistic for his own good.
So he could see her crack....
Depends on how hard you throw them.
The one with the wedding ring YOU SICK-O!
I said, "I had to wash my hands so I took it off and placed it on my lover--I mean your mother's kitchen counter."
Paid off.
GOP" is onomatopoeic: it's the sound of anonymous penetration in public bathrooms late at night. -&y
A Bipolar Bear
A drizzly bear.
It was a boxer!
He always throws the punch.
Tigers have stripes.
By the stripes on his Adidas jumpsuit.
There is nothing wrong with the lightbulb.
Five six seven eight!