I've never paid to have a lima bean on my chest.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A Lenintil...
A Lima bean
I've never had a lima bean on my face.
I've never had a lima bean on my chest
I never payed a hundred bucks to have a Lima Bean on my face.
I don't have a new BMW in my garage.
A beggar has retained his integrity.
I don't have a garabonzo bean in my garage because that's where I get pee'd on so there is tarps everywhere.
I've never had a Garbanzo bean on my face before.
By the Pound!
A Free Willy.
A buck an ear.
The podiatrist bucks up your feet.
Not counting the bombs strapped to their chests, I have no clue.
Because she wanted to get it off her chest.
hit him in the face with an Axe
I've never had a gazpacho bean on my face.
I won't pay $200 to have a lentil on my face.
I've never had a garbanzo pea on my face.
Arrested for procurement of a minor. Trust me on this one.
Because a tuna can!