A retail store.
A new last name.
a new last name
He was afraid his nickname would be Jockie.
A new last name!
Courtney Pine tables I need a new one !
An old ten dollar bill is better than a new one.
A: Two-one to shoot the old bulb out and one to screw the new one in.
You hear about a new one every day and none of them make any sense.
A new last name
At the butcher shop, where they sell kid-knees.
Nothing. We're on reddit
One to put in the new one, and two to sing about how good the old one was.
Kissing strangers.
Something you do for the first week of the new year.
None because ice cream doesn't have bones.
All of them.
It must need Osteo-per-o-sis" Love it.
A: Whats this new apple product I keep hearing about? B: Which one? A: the I-sis
Noose Noose
Ever since I was a puppy!
It could be your car
One steals from the people the other peals from the steeple.
There was a run on sentences.
Let's just say I'm starting a lot of sentences with "let's just say".
He wanted to finally get respecced.
An ath1337
When you're buying salt.
At the infideli counter.