Everyone can roast beef, but no one can pea soup.
They all want either pees, peace or peas in the middle east.
Cut a hole in the ice. Put a line of peas around the hole. When the polar bear takes a pea, kick him in the ice hole.
Peas and franks.
You first dig a hole, second, you fill the hole with ashes, also throw some peas in there. When the elephant stops to take a pea, you kick it in the ash hole.
At least you got one nut, I don't see what you're crying about.
for disturbing the peas!
A: It swells at night.
He was disturbing the peas.
Peas, man.
So he could live in peas and hominy.
A: Inflate it.
Everybody can chop pork but nobody can pea soup.
Peas and hominy
Beef Stroken off
Beef on WIC
Ice is.
Both are a glaze
Cargo better if you fill it with gas first !
Because he wanted just ice.
You can mash potatoes, but you can't pee soup. (sorry sorry. Really. I've loved this joke since I was... oh.. six...)
I can roast chicken but I can't pea soup
Pull the pin and throw it back
She ran away from the ball.
How do you make a dog say meow? Put it in the freezer, then get a chainsaw and cut it. MEEEEEEEOOOWWW!!
Two. One to cut and one to glue
The first one is the engagement ring...the second one is the wedding ring...and the third one is the suffering.
An elephant with hiccups !
The same way British people pronounce beer can.
I feel positively charged!