Both should be changed regularly, and both for the same reason.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
I dunno but it's probably the reason for their low birth rates.
They both need to be changed after a while for the same reason
They will never listen to Logic or Reason.
Ten. One to change it and nine to downvote for no reason.
None. Once they shut up, no-one has any reason left to oppress them :)
reasons unknown
Friend has an eyepatch on for some reason or another and I'm running out of decent jokes.
Someone who shows up to your door for no reason.
Someone who knocks on your door at 6 a.m. for no reason.
Because they don't understand how to use Logic or Reason.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Apricots. I used to love this joke when I was a little kid and told it over and over. I'm still a little in love with it for that reason. What are some of your favorite jokes from when you were a little kid?
For the same reason dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving...
Because it's the reason for the sneason.
1. No mind. 2. No business.
Dads joke) The same reason 10 pennies is worth more than 9.
A: The same reason they sing Hymns instead of Hers!
They think Cast is spelled with an e.
Reasons to be offended.
You have only one second to guess the answer. No pressure.
They are closer to hell.
So I punched her in the face. Now she has a reason.
She pronounces 'Kansas' like the second part of 'Arkansas'
He couldn't see any reason not to be!
Just another reason to teach your cat to read.
You can reason with the terrorist!
Me: Procrastination. B: How is that a positive M: I'll give you my reasons. Later.
Well, there's a reason for that. There are more geese on that side.
They have no idea what 12 inches actually looks like. I for some reason could not find a way to phrase this any better. Credit to my coworker.
A. Because everyone keep recycling the same jokes
Because my life is a joke. Dont worry Im not scuicidal
Yeah... Lets blame Sony.
Kobe Beef
You can actually punch information into a computer.
In the ring.
A: "Nobody's perfect!"
I do."
It's just hair. I'm the one that's gotta find a new girlfriend."
Because Santa dere.
He found Hillary's emails
A stable economy
A stable economy...
Four girlfriends drinking on St Patricks Day!
The ninja replies with "Wata!"