Play the national anthem
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A macular degenerate.
The first one saves people from criminals, while the latter saves criminals from the people.
Because criminals keep turning themselves into the police.
The Dark Knightrogen
A Con-Yay!
They're all criminals.
Because criminals keep turning themselves into police.
A Zebra.
A good Friday
Because they're all criminals and they look the same.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
A herpetrator.
Because the police charge you.
The third degree.
Sting operation, of course!
A dirty crook.
putting criminals behind bars seems like a bad idea once you consider all the alcohol they're now next to
When the judge threw the book at him.
Officer: You ordered me to get a line on the suspect.
Let me talk to a few criminals and see who they think is scariest."
A con descending.
They shoot first and ask questions later.
He had served his sentence.
Batman: So we match. Look, this isn't about me.
Got 'Em City.
Because... bros before hose!!! Wubbulubbadub-dub!
It was a poultry amount
Chernobyl fallout.
Because she'll "Let it go! Let it go!" This joke was made up by my 5 year old nephew.
Give the criminals badges.
The crime rate.
A condescending con descending.
They throw 3-9 pots and pans down a flight of stairs.
Freeze it and run it through a bandsaw. MEEEOWW!!
A: A first-aid kit!
Baked Yazidi