He quit running.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Coconuts have hair
They all dress like Dobby.
I'll take your money!
They're both eliminated and finished second in their conference.
Bernie Sanders!!
He didn't, he was distributed evenly on both sides. Bernie supporters, please don't downvote me to hell, it's just a joke
because AIR IS FREE
Because 12 year olds can't vote. Edit: I'm actually somewhat of a Bernie supporter, I'm just joking about how he has a lot of youth backing him.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
He only sold left wings.
Remove only the top 1% please.
Because he hates capitalism.
Just wait 5 minutes. They'll post about it.
Weekend at Bernie's.
Because he's two radical.
SWV (sisters with voices)
Not a Bernie Sanders supporter.
All your stuff has been donated to charity
Bernie Sanders
The magician returns your wallet at the end of the performance
Because only the top 1% can stay above water.
Whole milk because he cares about all the milk and not just the top 1% milk!
deck the halls with boughs of free cash
Mom & Dad
He doesn't want to feel the Bern.
Damn E-mails!
He can't stand the 1%
I thought he didn't care about the 1%
Pieces of fruit actually get picked for something.
Because even after he's blown his load he won't pull out.
Bernie Sanders exists.
Common people sent both of them pennies to help build a foundation for liberty.
His left one
Earning Sanders.
Hindsight is 2020
Oh god, a caucus!" cuz he has a new england accent
Game of Thrones spoilers) They're both "dead."
To avoid debating Bernie Sanders
2. What do you call his first victim 3. What do you call his second victim 1. Bernie 2. Crispin 3. Ash
The youth in Asia.....
Intersect it with a plane.
So they could Scandinavian.
Kind of a weird question for a first date, but umm I guess enough to finish the temple
East Timor
They both make up everything!
Just receding.
An entrepruner.
Because we're not all sandwiches
Hay,I thought you knew horses couldn't speak!